If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got.
I don’t know who said that first. I’ve seen it credited to many different people.
Doesn’t matter. It’s so true.
It’s nearly Christmas!!
Just 18 days to go.
Oooh. 😀
And, on the other hand, Eeek! :-/
I love Christmas. I love the twinkly lights, the time off, the yummy food, the Christmas fairs. I love drinking mulled wine and eating mince pies by an open fire. I love wishing strangers ‘Happy Christmas’. The sound of children singing carols brings a tear to my eye. I love all the rituals, both universal and personal.
I hate waste though.
After Christmas is over, I hate seeing Christmas trees, both artificial and real, still with decorations on, sitting on the pavement waiting for a refuse collection. I hate seeing unopened rolls of wrapping paper chucked out. I hate the stress and misery all that additional STUFF causes for people struggling with clutter.
And then it’s a new year. And everyone’s asking…
…’What’s your New Year’s resolution?’
Will yours be to clear your clutter? To create a home you love?
How many times have you made that resolution before?
Will this year be the year you keep it?
What’s going to be different this year?
Ask yourself these two questions:
1. What are you going to do differently in 2012 to ensure that this time, you keep that resolution – that, as the weeks and months of 2012 go by, the amount of STUFF in your house decreases, rather than increases?
2. By when will you have cleared your clutter backlog?
Check in with yourself?..
…How are you answering these questions?
Defiantly? (I will do it this time!)
Defensively? (Alright, alright, I already said I would!)
Resentfully? (I suppose I have to)
Hopelessly? (Saying you will though inside you know you won’t)
Hopefully? (Saying you will with no idea how to succeed this time given that you never have before)
Or confidently?
When you’re confident you will achieve your goals, there’s no need to convince anyone. You know you’re going to do it. There’s no doubt in your mind. When your ‘inner critic’/’Top Dog’ pipes up with doubts, you recognise them for what they are, and they don’t have any power over you. You find yourself saying it’s going to happen easily and naturally, not to make a point.
LET’S GET THINGS MOVING!! FOR A DIFFERENT WAY TO CREATE A HOME YOU LOVE click here to join the Green and Tidy community for free. You’ll get a weekly email full of hints, tips and inspirational stories for people who want to move from being overwhelmed by stuff to having a home that enables the life of their dreams.
Plus, as a bonus, you’ll get a free copy of my audio masterclass “How to declutter and stay decluttered”. Join the community here!