Is the writing on the wall?

Have you heard of The Broken Windows theory?

It says that visible signs of low level crime and anti-social behaviour, like grafitti, broken windows and litter, encourage more serious crimes.

And that, when a community addresses these relatively minor issues in a timely manner, it promotes a safer, more law-abiding culture.

Where’s the writing on the wall in your home?

Perhaps it’s your bed unmade…

…last night’s washing up still in the sink…

…running out of crucial supplies like bread or milk…

…not getting dressed all day…

…unopened post/mail.

What are the clues that you’re on the slippery slope to chaos and disorder?

For me, it’s stuff hanging about in my email inbox, cluttered surfaces, an overflowing laundry bin…

What makes you feel overwhelmed and out of control? Comment below.

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